Tag Archive | borax

Borax – not so green.

At first I asked What is it? Why should I use it? What does it replace?

BUT I am now quite confused….is it eco? I have hit quite a few sites that tell of Borax being harmful to those who inhale and that It can be used as a pesticide so why use it to clean things?

This harmful – ness has popped up on many websites now so I am reluctant to use it. Would love to know more before I start to place it in my house.

Just google – borax safe or borax eco.

I have read that it is a poison, acts as a fungicide and shouldn’t be used on any surface that a person or food comes in contact with – but is that the same for all chemicals we spray around the house?

Is Borax a safer chemical than the spray and wipe?

For now using Borax is not on my eco do to list.



Borax – what is it?

Borax - what is it?

How do I use it? Why are the eco people of the world talking about it?

Out with the chemicals!

First step – chemical free our house.

This will be a slow process as we have so many bottles and cans about but I am sure with this lot of goodies I will be able to transition into using safer cleaning agents.Image

The above products WILL be used!



Bi carb

Eucalyptus oil

Castille soap.